منتديات Omani_4_Ever

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى عماني عام

3 مشترك

    True Story

    BecKhaM FoR EveR
    BecKhaM FoR EveR

    عدد الرسائل : 47
    العمر : 35
    العمل/الترفيه : أفضل واغنى واوسم لاعب في تاريخ الاسلام والعالم!!!
    المزاج : كل شي في وقته حلو P:
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/07/2008

    True Story Empty True Story

    مُساهمة من طرف BecKhaM FoR EveR الأربعاء 23 يوليو 2008 - 21:03

    Hi.......... ....... Trust the fact???????? ??

    This is a real story of a young college girl who
    p##ed away last month
    in MUSCAT . Her name was DINA. She was hit by a
    She is working in a call centre. She has a boy friend
    named FAHIM .
    Both of them are true lovers. They always hang on the
    phone.You can
    never see her without her handphone. In fact she
    also changed her phone
    from NAWRAS to OMAN MOBILE, so both of them can be on the
    same network, and save on the cost.
    She spends half of the day talking with FAHIM .
    DINA's family knows about their relationship. FAHIM
    is very close with DINA's family. (just imagine their
    love) . Before she p##ed away she always told her
    friends 'If I p## away please burry me with my
    handphone' she also said the same thing to her
    After her death, people cudnt carry her body, I was
    there. A lot of
    them tried to do so but still cant , everybody
    including me, had tried to carry the body, the result
    is still the same. Eventually, they called a person
    who know to one of their neighbours, who can speak
    with the soul of dead person, who is a friend of her
    He took a stick and started speaking to himself
    After a few minutes, he said 'this girl misses
    something here.' Then her
    friends told that person about her intentions to burry
    her with her phone..
    He then opened the grave and place her phone and
    sim card inside. After that they tried to carry the body. It
    could be moved and
    they carried it into the van easily.
    All of us were shocked. DINA's parents did not inform
    FAHIM that
    DINA had p##ed away.

    After 2 weeks FAHIM called DINA's mom.....
    FAHIM :....'Aunty, I'm coming home today. Cook
    something nice for me.
    Dont tell DINA that I'm coming home today, I wanna
    surprise her.'
    Her mother replied..... 'You come home first, I wanna
    tell you
    something very important.'
    After he came, they told him the truth about DINA.
    FAHIM thinks
    that they were playing a fool. He was laughing and
    said 'dont try to
    fool me - tell DINA to come out, i have a gift for
    her. Please stop
    this nonsense'.
    Then they showed him the original death certificate to
    They gave him proof to make him believe. (FAHIM
    started to sweat) He
    said... 'Its not true. We spoke yesterday. She still
    calls me.
    FAHIM was shaking.
    Suddenly, FAHIM's phone rang. 'see this is from
    DINA, see this....'
    he showed the phone to DINA's family. all of them
    told him to
    answer. he talked using the loudspeaker mode.
    All of them heard his conversation.
    Loud and clear, no cross lines, no humming.
    It is the actual voice of DINA & there is no way
    others could use her
    sim card since it has burried with her.

    They were so shocked and asked
    for the same person's
    (who can speak with the soul of dead perosns) help
    again. He brought his
    master to solve this matter.

    He & his master

    worked for 5 hours.

    Then they discovered one thing which really shocked
    عضو نشيط
    عضو نشيط

    عدد الرسائل : 58
    العمر : 30
    العمل/الترفيه : طالبه مدرسة
    المزاج : أمووورة وحمااااااااسية
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/07/2008

    True Story Empty رد: True Story

    مُساهمة من طرف COOL G!RL الأربعاء 23 يوليو 2008 - 22:57

    Thank you for the beautiful story
    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    عدد الرسائل : 304
    العمر : 34
    الموقع : SQU
    العمل/الترفيه : مهندس المستقبل
    المزاج : CoOol 3la 6oOol
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/07/2008

    True Story Empty رد: True Story

    مُساهمة من طرف Hussain الأربعاء 23 يوليو 2008 - 23:49

    احنا يالله يالله نقراء قصص عربيه ,, عاد بتسويلنا انجليزيات ؟؟!! affraid Shocked

    تسلم حبيبي ع القصه ,, ترا أنا قريتها حلووووه مرررره ..

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 6 يوليو 2024 - 7:04